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Human Hands Together
- Vishal Kumar Singh
Advocate, Human Rights Law Network, Patna

In the present context of lockdown amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, most of the students are at their homes doing their online classes and attending their lectures in the virtual mode. But little do they realise that there is a lot of more things to do in between this period of pandemic than to just sit at home and attend the virtual lectures. Here is a list of things which any law student can undertake during the lockdown very easily:

1.)    Read books

The law students may utilise their time by reading lot of books apart from the textbook and the Bare Acts of Law. They can choose to read books like - The Supreme Whispers authored by Abhinav Chandrachud, Courtroom Genius of Nani Palkhivala, I have been around for sometime by Raju Ramachandran, God save the Honorable Supreme Court by Fali S. Nariman, A People's Constitution by Rohit De and The Cases that India Forgot by Chintan Chandrachud. These books will help the law students not only to understand the very practical working of the judicial institutions in India but will also help them to trace out the very basic history and the cultural aspect associated with the great Indian judicial system.

2.)    Participate in online lectures and talks

It is very important for the law students to take part in the online lectures which are being conducted not only by the colleges for the internal classes but also by the organizations maybe Human Rights organizations or any such research institution which are based on the legal literacy and inclusion of the citizens. These lectures and talks provide a platform to the students to understand the practical aspects of law as a tool to access the justice in a more vibrant way. 

3.)    Learn the basic skills of drafting

The law students should utilise their time by learning the basics of legal drafting. They should utilise this time of lockdown in learning the basic drafting of petitions like Bail Petitions, Writ Petitions, Public Interest litigation (PILs) and also the basics of civil drafting. They can also do the legal drafting course which are being provided by certain websites.

4.)    Online internships

As most of the colleges including the Law schools are shut as of now, so are the law firms and the chambers of the individual advocates. Most of the advocates who can afford to have a residential chamber are operating through them. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that in offline internships there is a larger scope of learning the things in a practical way but however it may also not be denied that the various law firms which are offering online internship are also providing a very vast learning opportunity to the law students because they get to interact with the legal associates and the advocates through email or WhatsApp or phone calls during the works they are assigned and it provides them a very e fair amount of learning opportunities amid the pandemic.

5.)    Working on their writing skills

There are many websites which require content writers for writing their blogs and updating their websites with the articles on the recent issues. These kind of websites can be seen as a great opportunity by the law students as they can work on their writing skills by writing articles on the contemporary issues of law on these blogs. 

Apart from all this, what I personally feel is that unlike the offline world, online world is more inclusive and less discriminator in its working. It barely matters whether you are pursuing your law degree from a National Law University or a local Law College in the virtual world and that provides an equivalent opportunity to all. I also personally feel that the law students should be vocal about the contemporary issues which are going on amid the pandemic. And so I hope this blog brings some meaning in the lives of law students who are feeling bored in this lockdown.


  1. Thankyou sir,
    Apart from providing the knowledge you provided with a direction. I’ll start with the various books you suggested for reading and with the content writing.

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